La question est: Quelle est la position de la religion vis à vis des attentats à la bombe et de l'attentats-suicide en Algérie particulièrement, et dans le reste du monde musulman en général. Et quelle est sa position concernant la destruction des édifices des non musulmans et le fait de les terroriser dans leurs pays ou dans les pays musulmans Indépendamment des instigateurs de ces opérations? Ces actes commis font ils partie du Djihad à la gloire d’Allah si les responsables sont des musulmans? Eclairez nous, comme vous nous avez habitués, en vous basant sur les arguments fondés et détaillés et qu'Allah vous le rendra. Réponse: Louange à Allah seigneur de l'humanité et que la paix et le salut soient sur celui qu'Allah a envoyé, comme miséricorde à toute l'humanité, ainsi que sur sa famille, ses compagnons et ses frères jusqu'au jour du jugement dernier. Il est clair que parmi les conditions d’acceptation du prêche de la parole d’Allah est que l’objectif soit licite, car si celui-ci ne l’est pas, tous les moyens utilisés deviennent alors illicites. Aussi parmi ces conditions est que les moyens utilisés ne transgressent pas la charte de l’Islam ni ses règles générales. Il n'est donc pas permis d'utiliser ces moyens pour atteindre un quelconque objectif aussi noble qu’il soit. Car il est illicite de transgresser la charte de l’Islam aussi bien dans les moyens que dans les objectifs, du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿فَلْيَحْذَرِ الَّذِينَ يُخَالِفُونَ عَنْ أَمْرِهِ أَن تُصِيبَهُمْ فِتْنَةٌ أَوْ يُصِيبَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ﴾ [النور: 63]. Traduction: «que ceux, donc qui s'opposent à son commandement prennent garde qu'une épreuve ne les atteigne, ou que ne les atteigne un châtiment douloureux.» [verset: 63 de la sourate «la lumière»]. Le verset montre la mise en garde contre la violation de l'ordre général du prophète Il est connu de tous que la charte de l'islam, ordonne la préservation des cinq nécessités et Le sang des musulmans, leurs biens et leur honneur sont protégés et leur atteinte est formellement interdite, du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿وَمَن يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُّتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَآؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا﴾ [النساء: 93]. Traduction: «Quiconque tue intentionnellement un croyant, sa rétribution alors sera l'enfer pour y demeurer éternellement. Allah l'a frappé de sa colère, l'a maudit et lui a préparé un énorme châtiment.» [verset 93 de la sourate des femmes], Et du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَى بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا﴾ [المائدة: 32] Traduction: «c'est pourquoi nous avons prescrit pour les enfants d'Israël que quiconque tuait une personne non coupable d'un meurtre ou d'une corruption sur la terre, c'est comme s'il avait tué tous les hommes. Et quiconque lui fait don de la vie, c'est comme s'il faisait don de la vie à tous les hommes» [verset (32) de la sourate «la table»], et du dire du prophète En conséquence, l'adoption des moyens tels que les attentats à la bombe, la destruction, le sabotage, les assassinats et les suicides, détruit ce fondement relatif aux objectifs, et viole les percepts même de la charte islamique, qui ordonnent sa conservation. Cela montre que "les moyens illicites sont interdits", et "les moyens qui mènent vers l'illicite sont interdits" donc celui qui considère les objectifs de la charte islamique sans prendre en considération ses moyens, ou vice versa, signifie qu'il prend une partie de la religion et en néglige l'autre, Allah le très haut a dit: ﴿أَفَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِبَعْضِ الْكِتَابِ وَتَكْفُرُونَ بِبَعْضٍ فَمَا جَزَاءُ مَن يَفْعَلُ ذَلِكَ مِنكُمْ إِلاَّ خِزْيٌ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ يُرَدُّونَ إِلَى أَشَدِّ الْعَذَابِ وَمَا اللهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ﴾ [البقرة: 85] Traduction: «Croyez vous donc en une partie du livre et rejetez vous le reste? Ceux d'entre vous qui agissent de la sorte ne méritent que l'ignominie dans cette vie, et au jour de la résurrection ils seront refoulés au plus dur châtiment, et Allah n'est pas inattentif à ce que vous faites» [verset (85) de la sourate «la vache»]. Il contredit aussi la démarche du prophète Abou Hamid Al Ghazali – rahimahou Allah – a dit pour ce qui est de concrétiser ses projets, même légitimes par des moyens illicites: «Cela relève de l'ignorance totale, et sa bonne intention ne saurait le préserver des conséquences réservées à un être injuste responsable d'un acte d'agression et de mal. Sa bonne intention en utilisant le mal - contrairement à ce que dicte la charte musulmane - est un autre mal. S’il agit en, connaissance, il est alors renégat, et s’il le fait par ignorance, il est alors dans le péché par son ignorance puisque l'acquisition de la connaissance est obligatoire pour tous les musulmans»([5]), et confirmé par les mots d'Ibn Taymiya -rahimahou Allah-: «les moyens utilisés par une personne pour arriver à ses fins ne deviennent pas obligatoirement admissibles et légitimes, il ne le deviennent que si les intérêts sont estimés favorisés par rapport aux inconvénients, et Autorisés par la charte musulmane»([6]). Ceci dit, l'interdiction de ces méthodes destructives, ces actes de destruction occasionnés par les attentats suicides ne s'applique pas restrictivement aux musulmans, mais l'est aussi à l'égard de l'infidèle en asile, en refuge ou covenantaires, du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿وَإِنْ أَحَدٌ مِّنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ اسْتَجَارَكَ فَأَجِرْهُ حَتَّى يَسْمَعَ كَلاَمَ اللهِ ثُمَّ أَبْلِغْهُ مَأْمَنَهُ﴾ [التوبة: 6]. Traduction: «Si l'un des polythéistes te demande asile, accorde-le lui, afin qu'il entende la parole d'Allah, puis fais-le parvenir à son lieu de sécurité.» [verset (6) de la sourate «le repentir»]. Le pacte de sécurité accordé à un infidèle, même si celui-ci est un ennemi combattant, par un musulman particulier, une personne morale comme un État ou un organisme qu’il soit - formel ou informel - ne peut en aucun cas être violé par quiconque, indépendamment des raisons de l’entrée de l’infidèle dans le pays, quelles soient pour son intérêt personnel ou pour les intérêts du pays lui-même, du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿وَأَوْفُواْ بِعَهْدِ اللهِ إِذَا عَاهَدتُّمْ﴾ [النحل: 91]. Traduction: «soyez fidèle au pacte d'Allah après l'avoir contracté et ne violez pas vos serments après les avoir solennellement prêtés et avoir pris Allah comme garant (de votre bonne foi)» [verset (91) de la sourate «les abeilles»], et du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿وَأَوْفُواْ بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْؤُولاً﴾ [الإسراء : 34]. Traduction: «Et remplissez l’engagement, car on sera interrogé au sujet des engagements.» [verset (34) de la sourate «le voyage nocturne»], et du dire d'Allah le très haut: ﴿وَبِعَهْدِ اللهِ أَوْفُواْ﴾ [الأنعام: 152]. Traduction: «remplissez vos engagements envers Allah» [verset (152) de la sourate «les bestiaux»]. Les infidèles ont eux même constaté et témoigné que le prophète Il appartient à tout musulman de conclure des contrats de sécurité avec l'infidèle, même si c'est une femme du dire du prophète Et quand Oum Hani Il n'ya aucun doute que ces moyens tels que les attentats à la bombe, les destructions, les suicides, assassinats et autres, sont une pure infamie, et le recours à leurs usage est rejeté par la charte de l'Islam, du fait de leurs conséquences désastreuses et les injustices ravageuses engendrées, telles que: - Le massacre de population et l'atteinte à l'intégrité du pays musulman, en terrorisant ceux qui y vivaient paisiblement et en provoquant la perte d’âmes innocentes et des vies devant être préservées. En détruisant leurs biens et leurs efforts. - L'usage de la violence et de l'oppression conduit à une réaction agressive opposante, ainsi qu'une riposte équivalente ou plus féroce, provoquant le déploiement de troubles et le chaos dans la nation, l'affaiblissement de sa force et la rupture de sa cohésion et de son union. Elle ouvre des brèches susceptibles de favoriser l'intrusion des ennemis de la nation et de la religion en vue de dominer les musulmans. L'usage et le recours à la violence engendrent également des effets négatifs sur l’exhortation à la voie d’Allah (DAWAA) qui connaîtra une régression due à la répression des personnes en charge et la limitation de leur champ d’action par différents moyens. En contre partie, les musulmans vivant dans un état musulman souverain ont le droit d'être traités par leurs dirigeants avec droiture et justice, en leur protégeant leur religion - qui est leur raison d'être - avec tous ses avantages et ses valeurs sans aucune modification, ni déformation, ni falsification. Ils ont aussi le droit de voir leurs foyers et leurs biens protégés contre les méfaits des ennemis et leur pays contre toute domination ou exploitation illégale de ses richesses. Il en est de même pour la protection de leur honneur, car les honneurs des musulmans sont équivalents entre eux et la conservation des cinq éléments essentiels est de la responsabilité des dirigeants, du dire du prophète Parmi les fruits de l'instauration de la justice de droit: atteindre la tranquillité de l'âme du croyant et assurer l'apaisement de son cœur, remplacer la haine par l'amour, le mécontentement par la complaisance. Le prophète Enfin, il est plus que nécessaire, aujourd’hui que jamais, que la communauté soit rappelée à la religion d'Allah, avec une méthode scientifique, sincère et basée uniquement sur le livre d'Allah (coran) et la tradition du prophète (sounna) selon l'interprétation des compagnons du prophète ﴿قُلْ هَذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَاْ وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَمَا أَنَاْ مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ﴾ [يوسف: 108]. Traduction: «dis:' voici ma voie, j'appelle les gens (à la religion d'Allah), moi et ceux qui me suivent, nous basant sur une preuve évidente. Gloire à Allah! Et je ne suis point du nombre des polythéistes. » [verset (108) de la sourate «Yousef»]. La tâche d'appeler aux préceptes de l'islam avec patience en utilisant une vision scientifique est le plus grand djihad au nom d'Allah. En effet Ibn Al Qayim -rahimahou Allah– a rappelé que le djihad avec les arguments et la langue précède le djihad avec l'épée et la lance, en disant: «Ce Jihad est celui des disciples rapprochés des prophètes, c'est aussi le djihad des imams, et le meilleur des djihads, à cause de l'ampleur de ses prestations, et l'intensité de son capital spirituel, et le grand nombre de ses ennemis»([14]), a déclaré le cheikh Yahiya ibn Yahiya le cheikh d'Al-Bokhari: «la défense de la sounna est mieux que le djihad pour la cause de Dieu»([15]). Aussi, Abou Obeid Ibn al Qasim a dit: «celui qui applique la sounna est pareil à celui qui serre des braises dans ses mains. Et pour moi il est aujourd'hui meilleur que donner des coups d'épées pour la cause d'Allah»([16]). Qu’Allah rende meilleures les conditions des musulmans, et qu'il les protège des méfaits des ennemis de la religion. Enfin si le musulman aime le bien pour lui-même, qu'il le souhaite alors à ses frères et qu'il persévère à les en faire profiter. De même s'il ne veut pas qu'on lui fasse du mal, alors qu'il n'en fasse pas à ses frères en essayant à les en détourner, du dire du prophète Alger, le : 20 Ramadan 1429H
«il est permis de transmettre cette fatwa à condition de ne pas toucher au texte sous quelque forme que ce soit» ([1]) Rapporté par Mouslim dans son sahih, le livre de la charité et de l'éthique, chapitre l'interdiction de transgresser le musulman:(6/67), et Abou Daoud dans ses sounanes le livre de l'éthique chapitre la ghayba: (4884), et Tirmidhi dans ses sounanes le livre de la charité et de l'éthique chapitre la miséricorde du musulman sur le musulman: (2052) du dire de Abou Hourayra ([2]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre de la connaissance, chapitre que le présent transmette à l'absent:(105), et par Mouslim dans son sahih le livre de les combattants chapitre l'ampleur de l'interdiction de l'âme, de l'honneur et des biens:(4383) du dire de Abi Bakrata ([3]) Rapporté par et Tirmidhi dans ses sounanes le livre de la Diète chapitre l'ampleur de l'interdiction de tuer le croyant:(1395), et Anisai dans ses sounanes, le livre de l'interdiction de l'âme chapitre la grandeur de l'âme:(3987) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([4]) Rapporté par ibn Maja dans ses sounanes, le livre fitanes chapitre l'ampleur de l'interdiction de l'âme du croyant et ses biens:(3932) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([5]) ihyaa ouloum ad dine: (4/368). ([6]) Madjmoua el Fatawa d'Ibn Taymiya: (27/177). ([7]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre de la croyance chapitre caractéristiques des hypocrites:(210) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([8]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre de la djizya chapitre le péché du tuer quelqu'un en asile sans raison:(2995), ibn Maja dans ses sounanes le livre diète chapitre celui qui tue quelqu'un en asile:(2686) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([9]) rapporté par Abou Daoud dans ses sounanes le livre de du djihad chapitre le peloton répond au régiment:(2751) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([10]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre de la djizya chapitre sécuriser les femmes et les djawari:(3000) et Mouslim dans son sahih, le livre de salat Doha:(1669) du dire de Oum Hani ([11]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre d'el itk, chapitre l'esclave est responsable des biens de son patron: (2419) et Mouslim dans son sahih le livre el imara chapitre les vertus de l'imam juste et le châtiment de l'injuste. ([12]) Rapporté par Mouslim dans son sahih le livre d'el imara chapitre les vertus de l'imam juste et le châtiment de l'injuste: (4721) et anasai dans ses sounane le livre de l'éthique des juristes, chapitre les vertus de l'imam juste dans son verdict: (5379) et Ahmed dans son mousnad:(6449) du dire de Abdoullah ibn Amr ([13]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih le livre d'al djamaa et al imâma, chapitre celui qui attend la prière assis dans la mosquée: (629) et par Mouslim dans son sahih le livre zakat chapitre les vertus de cacher la sadaka:(2380) du dire de Abou hourayra ([14]) Miftah dar essaada de ibn qayim:(1/271). ([15]) Madjmoua el Fatawa d'Ibn Taymiya: (4/13). ([16]) Tarikh Baghdad de khatib al Baghdadi :(12/410). ([17]) Rapporté par Al Bokhari dans son sahih, le livre al-imane chapitre "de la foi qu'il aime pour son frère ce qu'il aime pour lui-même" (13), et par Mouslim dans son sahih le livre Al-imane chapitre "la preuve qu'il aime pour son frère ce qu'il aime pour lui-même est un mœurs de la foi" (170), du dire de anas |
Thursday, October 30, 2008
stop drinking alcohol
Finally, loss of income and production linked to excessive consumption of alcohol represent about 10 million euros per year or about 4 times the expenditure on health (2002 figures).
Arrêter l'alcool
L'alcool non considéré en France (et en d'autres pays) comme une drogue alors que 5 millions de personnes présentent des problèmes médicaux et des difficultés psychologiques ou sociales secondaires à une consommation exagérée d'alcool, qu'il représente la troisième cause de mortalité, qu'il est responsable de 40 % des accidents de la route, de 40 % des hospitalisations "homme" dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques, de 5 000 crimes et suicides par an et est consommé par 20 à 70 %, selon les études, des individus incarcérés pour violences.
Enfin, la perte de revenus et de production liée à une consommation exagérée d'alcool représentent environ 10 millions d'euros par an soit environ 4 fois les dépenses de santé (chiffres 2002).
Thursday, October 23, 2008
circoncision et sida
Ce sont aujourd'hui les résultats d'une consultation d'experts sur l'intérêt de la circoncision, organisée début mars à Montreux, en Suisse, qui ont été rendus publics. Pour cela, trois campagnes d'essais ont été organisées au Kenya, en Ouganda et en Afrique du Sud, pays particulièrement touchés par l'épidémie.
Au terme des essais cliniques, les deux organisations onusiennes ont pu conclure que la circoncision réduisait de 60% le risque de contracter le SIDA lors de rapports hétérosexuels. Les projections statistiques tenant compte de l'état actuel de la maladie et de son évolution probable concluent en la possibilité d'éviter 5,7 millions de nouvelles infections et 3 millions de décès au cours des 20 prochaines années simplement en généralisant la pratique de la circoncision.
Encore faut-elle que cette opération bénigne soit effectuée dans de bonnes conditions d'hygiène, par des praticiens compétents et qu'un minimum de précautions soient prises. Il est admis, en effet, que la circoncision augmente le risque de contagion en cas de rapport sexuel avant cicatrisation complète. Autre condition indispensable, l'accès à la circoncision doit être accessible à tous, y compris les plus pauvres, l'argent ne devant pas constituer un obstacle.
Mais tant l'OMS qu'Onusida mettent en garde contre un sentiment de fausse sécurité qui pourrait résulter de la circoncision. Car si celle-ci réduit les risques de contamination, elle ne rend pas la maladie intransmissible et ne dispense pas de l'usage du préservatif ou d'autres moyens de préservation.
Les chercheurs ne sont pas encore arrivés à expliquer avec certitude le mécanisme protecteur de la circoncision. Une des hypothèses les plus communément citées voudrait que la surface interne du prépuce recèle un plus grand nombre de cellules pouvant être facilement infectées par le VIH, mais ce fait n'est pas établi avec certitude. Seules les études statistiques semblent à présent formelles.
Une autre étude, effectuée en 1987 au Kenya par l'université de Manitoba, avait enregistré des résultats similaires, mais avait aussi conclu que la circoncision ne protégeait pas d'autres maladies sexuellement transmissibles comme l'herpès ou la syphilis.
Dangers of smoking for women
Many doctors fear the dangers to public health from the extension of smoking women in developed countries. Data from the cohort of Nurses'Health Study, which followed 104 519 women from 1980 to 2004, seem to give them reason. That judging! The analysis of 12 483 deaths during the 24 year period of study showed that the overall mortality was increased more than 2.8 among women smokers in this series (28% of the workforce in 1980) compared to 46% of women non-smokers. In addition, 64% of deaths and 69% of vascular deaths were deemed related to smoking among smokers. The relative risk of disease, from coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease were increased respectively by 3.3, 3.9 and 2.8 in multivariate analysis among smokers. Nevertheless, increases risk largest were noted for COPD (relative risk over 39 among smokers) and lung cancer (relative risk over 21 among smokers). The impact of smoking cessation seems to be different for vascular diseases and respiratory diseases. For coronary disease and cerebrovascular disease, a favorable effect is observed rapidly after quitting smoking and, respectively, 61% and 42% of the reduced risk was observed during the first five years. However, the decline in risk was only 18% after 5 to 10 years of arrest to respiratory diseases and 21% to 5 years for lung cancer. The relationship between risk and the number of cigarettes consumed per day is less clear for the disease for respiratory diseases, which could be due, say the authors, because the harmful effects of smoking appear more quickly in the the first case.
Paris Motor Show 2008
German cars shining in the Paris Motor Show :

mercedes benz bluetec hybrid
Paris Expo saw the International Automobile, which runs from the fourth day until the 10 of this month, provide new models of cars, "BMW" and "Mercedes", where a "BMW" hybrid electric car, and "Mercedes" Vstaid The formulation of a coupe design. Has announced a "BMW" for the auto industry it will be the new luxury car category VII of model hybrid system works, when to unveil a test car at the Paris Motor Show. A spokesman for the company's site by the German television, "Deutsche Welle" The first copies of the production line of the car category would be the seventh on the market in 2009. The car company that combines combustion engine capacity of 300 kW / 407 hp electric motor force 15 kilowatts, which reduces fuel consumption by 15% compared Baltaraz record. With regard to the technical card of the car, you will be asked Bmutur power fully integrated with Gearbox, which provides additional strength and speed up the energy to drive electrical devices. In addition, the engine is a generator of electricity, which collect energy from the power of the brakes and stored in the battery for ion Ithom placed in the trunk. However, it is not yet possible to rely entirely on electricity to drive. The spokesman said the company plans to produce a full Hgeni, has limited ability to walk relying entirely on electricity next year. For its part, the company plans to "Mercedes" was uncovered in the exhibition on the virtual examination of a new model of the coupe and the review of the future generation of cars, "Mercedes" category "any". In this context, the board chairman of the company Geo Dieter Tstcheh: "The study was a new interpretation of a coupe." And technical foundations for this car from the new car category include any new diesel engine cylinder 4. The engine uses Bluetec is powered by 150 kW / 204 hp and a capacity of 2 .2 liter. According to the study of the exterior of the car which tends to Barashaqp an elongation of the introduction to the successor's what makes it Dinamekp streak, and it is even a sense of movement and the car stalled. This impression is confirmed the long side windows and not the tires where the arch is related to the front of the pillar behind the installer does not make this contact. The study also says Mercedes is designed to stimulate interest in the concept of a new unusual design, but also gives experts the opportunity to design a non-traditional topics and new ideas.
BMW Hydrogen7
Stress and catch of weight
When a chronic stress settles, the glands suprarenals release from great quantities of cortisol, the hormone of the stress. A rise in the levels of the hormone of the stress can have as a consequence an excess of body greases. To control the stress could thus be a means of controlling the excess of weight.
Minor amounts of cortisol are beneficial but when its secretion is prolonged, the hormone of the stress can then have harmful effects on the good performance of the organization, on the systems cardiovascular, immunizing, neurological or metabolic.
Various ways of acting on the catch of weight
Cortisol acts in various ways on the catch of weight. Initially, it sends powerful signals to the brain which increase our appetite and our pangs of hunger for food which pleases or of food to us “consolation”, as sugar, greases or alcohol. The impact of the glucocorticoïdes as cortisol on the food catch passes partly by the neuropeptide Y, synthesized on the level of the hypothalamus and powerful stimulating food catch. This neuropeptide Y also acts on the production of insulin and the storage of greases of reserve. In the rat, the glucocorticoïdes support the ponderal catch induced by neuropeptide Y. Contrary, the leptine produced by greasy fabric act like factor of satiety on the level of the hypothalamus and have opposite effects with those of neuropeptide Y. But, always in the animal, the glucocorticoïdes are opposed to the protective effects of the leptine and support in fine the ponderal catch. Then, cortisol acts like a signal for our lubricating cells: he asks them to preserve more greases and to as release little of it as possible. He blocks also the action of many hormones like insulin, so that the control of blood sugar is disturbed and that the food pangs of hunger of comfort or consolation are multiplied by ten. The hormone of the stress can also interfere with serotonin, one of the chemical messengers of the mood of our brain, and lead to a feeling of depression and, once again, to even more food desires of consolation. Recent studies show that cortisol has an impact on neurotransmitters of the food catch. In the rat, a central infusion with dexaméthasone stimulates the catch food and led to a ponderal catch. This effect, associated with the secondary hyperinsulinemy and the insulinorésistance, stimulates the lipogenesis and the accumulation of greases. In addition, the hormone of the stress interferes with the growth hormone with for results a muscular loss and a fatty weight saving. Lastly, a continual rise in the hormone of the stress can weaken the operation of thyroid and make so that our metabolism slows down. All these combined effects make that our organization consumes more calories and burns some less and less. We thus take weight and more specifically around the size and belly, which increases our risk of hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Studies on the stress, the food and cortisol noted that the women with an overweight in the abdominal area produced more cortisol when they were stressed that those whose weight was distributed differently. In addition, the women having cortisol elevated levels caused by the stress tended to eat more in stressing situations (September/October 2000 exit off Psychosomatic Medicine). The researchers also noted that diseases caused by cortisol elevated levels, like the syndrome of Cushing, are characterized by excessive quantities of greases in the abdominal area, an unhealthy distribution which increases the risk of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. The stress, via its hormone, can thus make eat more and increase the storage of greases. That can mean that to control the stress could help to control the weight.
To decrease the impact of the stress
To practise a physical exercise regularly and to sleep sufficiently belong to the key elements to fight against the stress and contribute to decrease the cortisol levels. To avoid alcohol and sugar excesses, to decrease the cafeine consumption to the nonstimulative herb tea profit also take part in it. A study published (July/August 1998 exit off Psychosomatic Medicine) watch which cafeine can raise the levels of cortisol and ACTH, another hormone of the stress. Relora® decreases the symptoms associated with the stress
Relora® is a patented mixture of extracts of Magniolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense. It contains components which act on the anxiety but without the side effects of many drugs nor causing somnolence. The extracts of the mixture brought by Relora® are complementary one the other to constitute a antianxiété agent more complete than would be to it each one of them. Its releasing effect can thus help to control the appetite and to prevent the pangs of hunger related to the stress, thus helping to control the weight. A study published in 2001 in Psychopharmacology shows that Relora® has a nonsedative activity, anxiolytic in some eight days old chicks after a stressing process of separation. The study concluded that Relora® could be useful to modulate states of anxiety. Fifty subjects were covered, with the Living room To skirt Clinic of Cincinnati to the United States, during two weeks with 200 Mg of Relora® three times per day. The results showed an effect releasing at 78% of the subjects. Although Relora® does not produce a sedative effect, 74% of the subjects gave a report on a resting sleep. 8 people out of 10 felt released better. 24% of the subjects brought back a somnolence. A second test was undertaken in the same establishment to measure the levels of cortisol and DHEA among 12 moderately stressed patients. Elevated levels of cortisol and depressed DHEA are associated with a chronic stress. Two weeks of supplementation with of Relora® involved a significant growth of the salivary DHEA (227%) and a reduction in the salivary cortisol levels (37%). During the treatment with Relora®, the levels of DHEA and cortisol returned to the normal at all the subjects. A third bearing test on 49 subjects obtained results similar to those of the first concerning relieving and the resting sleep. Moreover, the supplementation with Relora® reduced by 76% the snacking of sugar refineries caused by the stress at the subjects having stated to eat this type of food under the influence of the stress. A fourth test, a clinical trial as a double blind man, controlled against placebo, was finished in January 2004. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Relora® on women in overweights which, usually, ate more when they were subjected to stressing situations. In the group under placebo, a significant catch of weight was observed and a light loss in the supplemented group. The researchers of Miami Research who made a study from it concluded that subjects in overweight eating in answer to the stress could draw a beneficial effect of the catch from Relora®. The mechanism of action seems to pass by a reduction or a standardization of the levels of the hormone of the stress. The rhodiola babbit metal insulin levels
The rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) was used in Soviet Union as adaptogene. One allots the capacity to reinforce to him the nervous system, to fight the depression, to improve immunity, to increase the capacity to practise a physical exercise, to improve memorizing and the energy levels and to perhaps prolong the life expectancy. Studies on animals suggest that the extract of rhodiola could help to standardize the blood sugar levels and to decrease those of glucagon. This effect is based on its properties adaptogenes, including actions on the suprarenals likely to help to control the insulin levels. Work on animals also indicated that an extract of rhodiola can prevent the increase in beta-endorphins generated by the stress.
The phosphatidylsérine module cortisol levels
The phosphatidylsérine is a phospholipide which one finds in quantities concentrated in the cells of the brain. It is supposed that she plays of the roles structural and metabolic for the muscular metabolism and operation of the immune system. Scientists think that in the long run, it would have the capacity to modulate the cortisol levels and that it is not possible to realize it short-term. A study examined the effect of the phosphatidylsérine on the reactivity of the glands suprarenals (ACTH and cortisol) and on the psychological answer to a mental and emotional stress. 20 subjects were covered during three weeks with phosphatidylsérine or a placebo. The results showed that the supplementation led to one émoussement marked of the answers of cortisol and the serum ACTH as well as salivary cortisol, suggesting that it could be a potential treatment of the disorders related to the stress. The releasing effect of L-théanine
L-théanine is an amino-acid which one meets in the green the It supports a feeling of relieving and wellbeing without interfering with the cognitive capacities. It allows thus, at people subjected to an important stress, to increase the concentration and the determination. Although not causing somnolence, L-théanine improves quality of the sleep. The ashwagandha against the harmful effects of an acute stress
The ashwagandha is called the Indian ginseng and is used in the situations of stress and, more particularly, in the event of insomnia, of nervousness or instability. Its properties adaptogenes are allotted partly for its purposes on the production of the hormones suprarenals. When the ashawagandha is managed with animals, it against many biological changes accompanying the acute stress, including modifications on blood sugar, the weight of the suprarenals or the levels of cortisol. The withanolides that one finds in the ashwagandha are substances with a structure of sterol supposed to be responsible for its properties adaptogenes and of which the effect is similar to that of glucostéroïdes.
To relieve naturally the pain
By controlling the mediators of the inflammation, the extracts of plants like Harpagophytum, the ginger, angelica Korean or the willow can have an direct impact on the perception of the pain which is associated for him. It is also possible to modulate the perception of the pain by inhibiting the degradation of the endogenous antidouleurs of the organization with substances like DLL-phenylalanine.
A nervous, or noxious message (of Latin nocere, to harm), is conveyed along the peripheral nerves to the brain where it becomes really pain, a feeling located in the body and unpleasant. The nervous message is modulated throughout its advance by various systems which can increase or decrease its intensity. A traumatism localised causes the excitation of particular receivers which one practically finds in all the parts of the body, more particularly in the skin, surfaces of the articulations, the walls near the bones and those of the arteries. The receivers of the pain are nervous fibres which can be excited by mechanical, thermal or chemical stimuli. Chemical receivers react to various stimuli of internal or external sources, including traumatisms or an ignition. Thus, of specific, mediating prostaglandins of the ignition, can be released locally with painful stimuli and the ignition, to cause an increase in the sensitivity of the receivers of the pain. By controlling the mediators of the ignition, it is thus possible to have an direct impact on the perception of the pain by the brain. To inhibit the activity of the enzymes cyclooxygénases prevents the production of prostaglandins on the level of the peripheral nervous terminations on the site even of the lesion. That prevents the sensitizing of the receivers of the pain by raising their threshold of stimulation and thus decreasing the passage of the painful messages. The organization also has its own substances antidoulor. They are natural morphines called endomorphines or endorphins, peptides opioïdes which have the capacity to inhibit the pain. The endorphins block the reception of the stimulus of the pain while binding to the receivers. To reinforce this natural way of reduction of the pain can make it possible to modulate the perception of the pain.The extract of Harpagophytum, a amount-dependent actionThe root of Harpagophytum is used since the times moved back in popular medicine by Bushmen, Hottentots and Bantous of Southern Africa in the form of decoction in the event of gastric disorders and of fever. The healers also manage it with the parturients in the event of pains. It is introduced in Europe, in Germany, in the middle of last century. One of the first clinical experiments was carried out about 1958 in Iéna on patients suffering from rheumatic pains. But in fact the clinical studies published between 1979 and 1984 will really clarify its interest, showing that she exerts an action anti-inflammatory drug on the chronic ignition and an interesting action analgesic, in particular for the processing of chronic rheumatic pathologies. The active main components of the root of Harpagophytum, of the iridoïdes, primarily the harpagoside, have antalgic properties and anti-inflammatory drugs. In vitro experiments reveal that the harpagoside inhibits in a way amount-dependent the two ways on biosynthesis of the eïcosanoïdes, the cyclooxygénase and the lipoxygénase, thus offering a mechanistic effect vaster than anti-inflammatory drugs not stéroïdiens. An in vitro study showed that an extract of Harpagophytum enriched in harpagosides - Iridoforce™ - involves a human inhibition of 32% of Cox-2, thus being able to help to strongly reduce the ignition of the articulations. At the man, several randomized studies, as a double blind man controlled against placebo and anti-inflammatory drugs not stéroïdiens (AINS) evaluated the effectiveness of extract of Harpagophytum among patients suffering from lumbar pains or arthrite1. Its catch with or without AINS seems to help to decrease the pain related to the ostéoarthrite. Several double blind studies comparing the effects of an extract of Harpagophytum and AINS did not bring back a significant difference in effectiveness between the various groups treated concerning the relief of the pain related to the arthrite2.The angelica extract Korean inhibits the activation of factor NF-KBThe décursinol is extracted from angelica Korean (Angelica gigas Nakai). Research showed that it is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug analgesic. With the difference of the majority of the drugs prescribed to relieve the pain which act by inhibiting the enzymes Cox (cyclooxygénases), the décursinol combat the pain through its effects on the central nervous system. Studies suggest that this mechanism of action could be implied in the mediation of the receivers for serotonin and noradrenalin, two messengers of the nervous system. Angelica Korean showed its effectiveness against many types of pains, particularly against that of origin inflammatoire3. Research indicates that its active ingredient, the décursinol, inhibits the activation of the nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-KB), a factor of transcription of the DNA which activates many inflammatory and pathological states, including the cancer4. It acts quickly on the ignition and the pain which accompanies it. This capacity to block the NF-KB is highly significant, proof is that the NF-KB and the ways of indication which he babbit metal are intensely studied in the universe of the development of drugs. Scientists carried out a clinical trial to the Mapo private clinic of the pain in South Korea to evaluate the effectiveness and the harmlessness of an angelica extract Korean, Decursinol-50™. They examined a group of individuals with chronic pains due to a osteoarthritis or other diseases not answering the conventional treatments, like analgesics by ways oral or intra-articular. Forty patients received 250 Mg of Decursinol-50™ twice a day during two weeks at the same time as a physical treatment, while a reference group received only one physical treatment. At the end of two weeks, the scores of pain were significantly reduced at 68% of the subjects covered with Decursinol-50™, whereas they had dropped only by 15% in the reference group. The treatment was well tolerated and no side effect was observed. The researchers concluded from these results that the extract should find applications in the management of a vast range of painful diseases, including the chronic pains of the ostéoarthrite or the polyarthritis rhumatoïde, or acute pains caused by lésions5.DLL-phenylalanine blocks the degradation of the enképhalines, of the natural antidouleurs of the organizationDLL-phenylalanine is an essential amino-acid which is metabolized out of tyrosin. This one is the precursor used in the synthesis of the neuro-transmitters norépinéphrine, épinéphrine and dopamine. The enképhalines are neuro-transmitters released by the neurons when occurs a too intense painful feeling. They are endorphins, peptides opioïdes which are fixed on receivers opioïdes present at the surface of the membranes of the neurons of the pain, and which inhibit the messages of the pain towards the brain (of the noxious messages). They thus have an action analgesic (decreasing, even removing the pain). Their action, which is exerted on the ways and the centers of the pain like thalamus, is very quickly inactivated by the intervention of enzymes, the enképhalinases. Several components inhibit the degradation of the enképhalines. Phenylalanine, but only in the form DLL-phenylalanine, is one of them. It inhibits the activity of the enképhalinases and was used successfully at the man in the management of the pain chronique6. DLL-phenylalanine also shows properties anti-inflammatory drugs. It is supposed that inhibitors of the enképhalinases could be effective at the man in a certain number of diseases of deficiencies out of endorphin, like the depression or arthritis. Animal models indicate that a phenylalanine supplementation could increase the threshold of the pain. It is supposed that phenylalanine induces this analgesic effect by blocking degradation of the enképhalines. Preliminary studies on patients suffering from chronic pains showed rates of response from 32 to 75% with the phénylalanine7. Analyses suggest that this effect could be induced by a surregulation of the endogenous system analgesic (SAE). The enképhalines being key neuro-transmitters in the SAE, it is reasonable to think that by supporting the activity of the enképhalines with phenylalanine, one could potentiate the analgesia induced by the SAE.The extract of root of ginger inhibits the activity of Cox-1, Cox-2 and of the 5-lipooxygénaseThe properties anti-inflammatory drugs of the ginger are known since hundreds of years. During these 25 or 30 last years, many laboratories brought scientific evidence supported by old knowledge that the ginger contains components having properties anti-inflammatory drugs. The discovery, with the beginning of the year 1970, that the ginger exerts inhibiting effects on the production of prostaglandins was confirmed on several occasions. The ginger acts on the synthesis of prostaglandins by inhibiting Cox-1 and Cox-2. It also reduces the biosynthesis of leucotrienes by inhibiting the 5-lipoxygénase. Thus, by these various ways, the ginger modulates the inflammation8. The root of ginger contains very powerful components anti-inflammatory drugs, the gingérols. One allots to them the reduction of the level of pain and the improvement of mobility at subjects suffering from arthritis or ostéoarthrite when they consume ginger regularly. A study was undertaken for investiguer the analgesics effects, anti-inflammatory drugs and hypoglycémiants of an extract of root of ginger on rats and mice. The results came assure to the traditional use in ethnomédecine ginger in the treatment or management from inflammatory arthritic pathologies douloureuses9. In a double blind study cross and controlled against placebo which lasted 12 months, 29 old patients from 42 to 85 years with a painful arthritis of the knee received four times per day during 12 weeks 250 Mg of a standardized extract of ginger or a placebo. Then, during the 12 following weeks, the treatments were interchanged. Then, 20 patients wishing to continue the experiment were followed during 24 weeks additional. The pain caused by the movements of the knee, the mobility and the circumference of the knee were measured at the beginning of the study then every month. At the end of first the six months period, the subjects receiving the extract of ginger noted that they suffered less when they were driven and that they were less handicapped. The pain caused by the movement passed from a score of 76,14 to a score of 41,00 and the handicap from 73,47 to 46,08. On the other hand, the subjects which passed from the supplementation in ginger to the placebo saw the pain caused by the movement to increase with a score of 82,10 and their handicap to pass to 80,80. In the final stage of the study during which all the subjects received extract of ginger, the pain remained weak at those already taking ginger in the preceding phase and decreased again at those previously under placebo. The supplementation also decreased the puffiness and the circumference of their knees: in the first phase of the study, this one passed from 43,25 cm to 39,36 cm; for those which continued the experiment, it further decreased to reach 38,78 to 36,38 cm10.The salicin, extracted the bark of willow, has analgesics effects and antipyreticThe therapeutic properties of the willow are known since several thousands of years: Sumériens used already its sheets as antidoulor. Hippocrates recommended a decoction of bark of white willow to relieve the fever; Dioscoride recommended it like remedy against the inflammatory arthropathies and the drop. “In 1876, a doctor exerting in South Africa tells in a letter sent to the editor of Lancet which he saw a woman suffering, according to its own terms, of the wildest attack of rheumatism than he ever saw and than he prescribed the usual treatment at that time: powder of Dover and calomel. Re-examining the patient two months later completely cured, it started to be pleased with its treatment and congratula the patient when this one explained to him why makes its treatment of it had been a total failure and that she had finally gone to consult an old shepherd hottentot who had made a decoction of sheets of willow; after takehaving taken it during a few days, the pains started to decrease and finally disappeared complètement11.” The German Commission E and European Scientific Cooperative one Phytotherapy (ESCOP) recognize the effectiveness of the bark of willow cause a drop in the fever, to relieve the rheumatic pains and the headache. It contains one salicylated, salicin, insulated by French pharmacist Leroux in 1829. In 1897, Felix Hoffmann finds a method of production of a derived substance, the acetylsalicylic acid; on February 1, 1899, the pharmaceutical laboratory Rhenish Bayer launches a new product, aspirine. Salicin is metabolized in salicylic acid which has effects antipyretic and analgesics. A peak of concentration in salicylic acid is obtained approximately two hours after the ingestion of salicin; it is about 1,2 mg/l, a value equivalent to that obtained with 87 Mg of aspirine. Let us recall that aspirine is acid acétylsalicylique12. Researchers wanted to know the effectiveness of an extract of willow. They enlisted 210 subjects in a double blind study four week old and divided them into three groups which received a placebo or an extract of willow containing 120 or 240 salicin Mg. The participants suffered all from chronic evils of exacerbated backs. They were authorized to take an analgesic if the treatment were not enough to relieve the pain. At the end of the study, on the 191 patients having finished the study, 39% of the group taking the amount of 240 salicin Mg did not have any more any back pains, against 6% of those under placebo13.
Nutritional therapy of the respiratory allergy
The allergy is defined like the abnormal reaction of a subject with respect to an antigen (foreign substance at the organization likely to cause the formation of specific antibodies by the organization). The respiratory allergy is an exaggerated and harmful reaction occurring after antigenic sensitizing by a pneumallergene. The pneumallergene is defined as an inhaled substance able to sensitize the organization of certain individuals and to determine, at the time of its reintroduction, of the pathological demonstrations, in particular of the breathing apparatus but also of the eyes (on the level of the conjunctive ones)The breathing apparatus is reached on all the levels of penetration of pneumallergene; the largest particles (> with 13 microns) such as the grains of intact pollens, are retained by the nasal filter and determine isolated rhinitides and rhinosinusites; finest (= with 3 microns) penetrate in the deep lung, final bronchioles and the cells and involve extrinsic alveolites; the bronchial tree is exposed to the particles of intermediate size thus determining bronchial asthmas. The mucous lesions are identical nasal stage on the bronchial floor; oedema, hypersecretion of mucusThe dust of house is the prevalent pneumallergene. It intervenes via its components in the forefront of which the acarina are located. The acarina are found at 70% of the asthmatic children. They are responsible for primarily evening and night crises, started by the handling of dust, depend on the internal moisture of the houses with a greater abundance at the end of the summer, autumn, and at the beginning of the winter, a disappearance above 1500 Mr.Pollens are with the second rank of pneumallergenes. To be allergisants, they must be in sufficient quantity in the air. The early season of pollens of trees extends from mid-December in mid-April in the South, of the mid-February in mid-May in Ile de France., with a majority of pollen in March and April. The great season of pollens the graminaceous ones extends from at the end of April at the beginning of July in the South, and from mid-May at mid-July in the Ile de France. The late season from July at the end of September that of is made, in particular the armoise, the chénopode but also the ambrosia collected in the region of Lion. The season of the pellitories extends from at the end of April at the end of September in the South.The superficial body growths of animals occupy the third rank of pneumallergenes, they take an increasingly large importance with the increase in the number of the pets (dogs, cats, hamster, guinea-pigs, birds…). They involve rhinitides and conjunctivites, but also of very severe asthmas sometimes.
The mechanism of the respiratory allergy is divided by two stages.The first stage is sensitizing. The pneumallergene dice its penetration in the breathing apparatus, by the macrophages or the cells of Langerhans. Thus modified, these cells presents it in the shape of a “superallergene” to the lymphocyte T. Those, thus stimulated, secrete cytokines (IL-4) and activate the lymphocytes B. The latter then secrete specific antibodies of the allergen, in particular of immunoglobulins of the type E. These IgE set on the receivers in particular strong affinity, laid out on the membrane of the mastocytes and the basophilic ones.The second phase is the allergic reaction itself. It takes place at the time of the reintroduction of pneumallergene in the breathing apparatus. This one is fixed then on two specific molecules of IgE fixed on the membrane of the mastocytes and the basophilic ones. This connection involves a process of degranulation cellular. Three types of substances known as “mediating” are then released by these cells:- preformed substances, contained in the cytoplasmic granules: histamine coupled with heparin, factors chimiotactic and many enzymes of which the tryptase;- newly formed substances, by activation of the membrane phospholipases, the cyclooxygénases and the lipooxygénases: production of prostaglandins, leucotrienes (inductor of brochonconstriction) and of PAF (plate factor of activation)- cytokines. The whole of these various substances has a fast effect, initiated by broncho-spastic histamine and proinflammatoire, and a delayed effect, the local surge of leucocytes (white globules) under the influence of the factors chimiotactic. These leucocytes, then activated, release from new substances proinflammatoires spamogenes and poisons. The target bodies concerned with the reaction are mainly the nasal mucous membrane (source of rhinitis), the bronchial mucous membrane (at the origin of an asthma attack), the conjunctive mucous membrane (causing a conjunctivitis)
The treatment of the respiratory allergies apply to the lesions of the body targets either by being opposed to the degranulation mastocytes, or as agonists of histamineCromoglycate de Sodium, by its antidégranulants effects, prevents the reaction to IgE mediation as well immediate as delayed, inflammatory on the level of the mucous membranes interested by the allergenic provocation.The vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble antioxydant essential with the level of the pulmonary parenchyma. It is the principal antioxydant of the bronchial mucous membrane, protecting this one at the same time from endogenous and exogenic oxidants (polluting, tobacco…). It can trap the free radicals produced at the time of the degranulation of the mastocytes occurring during the allergic reaction. It has direct an antihistamine effect by nonenzymatic degradation of histamine. Lastly, it is indirectly antibronchospastic by inhibition of the synthesis of F2 the inductive prostaglandins of bronchoconstriction. Also, deficiency in vitamin C is a risk factor of asthma. The contribution in vitamin C and the rate of vitamin C of the serum are correlated with the volume of expiry forced during one second (VEF1) and are conversely correlated with the presence of sibilants. The administration of vitamin C decreases the effect of histamine inhaled on the respiratory tracts at the subjects reached of allergic rhinitis. It decreases the frequency and the severity of the asthma attacks. It makes it possible to reduce the incidence of asthma by reduction in the hyperreactivityThe vitamin E is a liposoluble antioxydant. A weak contribution in vitamin E is a risk factor of asthma. The administration of vitamin E induces a reduction in the symptoms of asthma and allows a reduction of the use of the steroids.Quercetin inhibits the bronchial reactivity by reduction of the PAF (plate factor of activation. It has antioxydatives properties and anti-inflammatory drugs.The bromélaïne has a proinflammatoire effect by stimulation of synthesis E1 the prostaglandin and prevents plate aggregationDuring the asthmatic disease, one raised a blocking of the synthesis of the nicotinamide starting from tryptophan. This blocking can be corrected by the supplementation in long-term B6 vitamin. The theophylline catch (used as treatment of asthma) involves a reduction of the serum pyridoxal-phosphate concentration (B6 Vitamin activated). The administration of B6 reduces the frequency and the gravity of the sibilants and the asthma attacks. It makes it possible to lower the catch of bronchodilatator and corticoids. It acts like releasing muscular. The B6 vitamin reduces intolerance to the glutamate (syndrome of the Chinese restaurant)The administration of B12 vitamin attenuates the bronchospasme, and makes it possible to reduce the sibilants at the time of an intolerance to sulphites. The B12 vitamin by catabolisant sulphate sulphites, decreases over-sensitiveness with sulphites.A weak zinc contribution is a risk factor of asthma and over-sensitiveness to chemical substances. The serum zinc rate is lowered in asthma and the allergy. The activity in superoxyde dismutase in plate Cuivre-Zinc is higher at the asthmatic ones.60% of athematic and 50% of the subjects making an asthma attack low have a serum magnesium rate. The athematic subjects low have a leucocytic magnesium compared to the healthy subjects. Asthma increases the requirements out of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is correlated with the allergy, with the ignition, and to the bronchial hyperactivity the more so as the treatment by beta-agonistes (usually used during the asthma attack) lowers the serum magnesium concentration and deteriorates the passage of magnesium between the compartments extracellular and intracellular. Magnesium deficiency supports the sensitivity of the smooth muscles to the agents vasoconstricteurs and contributes to occurred of pulmonary complications. Many effects of magnesium are related to its antagonism with respect to calcium and magnesium deficiency involves an increase in the cellular content calcium, factor of vasoconstriction and plate hyperagregability. The magnesium administration involves a reduction of the bronchial hyperreactivity. It reduces the production of anion superoxide by the polynuclear ones activated. It attenuates the macrophagic respiratory explosion at the asthmatic one. It makes it possible to stop the bronchoconstriction, to increase the peak-flow (expiratory flow of point maximum), the FEV1 and to reduce the sibilants.The reduction of the selenium contributions, of the serum concentrations and selenium érythrocytaires, as well as the reduction of the activity of the glutathion dependent peroxidase selenium are risk factors of asthma. The selenium contribution is conversely correlated the incidence of asthma. The asthmatic ones and more generally the allergic subjects have low contents selenium. The selenium deficiency involves a reduction of the activity of the glutathion peroxidase, a rise in thromboxane A2 (proagrégant and vasoconstrictor), an increase in plate aggregation and a reduction in prostacyclin or prostaglandin I2.Chez the asthmatic one, the selenium supplementation reduces plate aggregation by increase the activity of the glutathion peroxidase which plays a key role in the defense system antioxydant.Ginkgo biloba is an Asian plant traditionally used in Chinese medicine in the treatment of asthma and the bronchial one. It contains ginkgolides, flavonoïdes and terpenes. The ginkgolides are antagonists of the PAF (plate factor of activation) inductive of the degranulation. The extract of Ginkgo biloba has antioxydant properties. The extract is anti-inflammatory drug by modulating the metabolism of the eicosanoïdes on the one hand, by inhibition of the stimulation of the E2 prostaglandins and the plate secretion of beta-thromboglobuline, and on the other hand, by activation partial of the receiver beta-adrénergique. Thus, the extract of Ginkgo biloba is opposed to the bronchoconstriction and reduces the bronchial hyperreactivity.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Nouveaux téléphones portables
LG and Prada have announced another

This time around the phone will support 3G compatibility with video calling. Cette fois le téléphone 3G soutien compatibilité avec l'appel vidéo. It will come with a 5 mega pixel camera with Schneider-Kreuznach certified lens, WiFI, full HTML browser and 7.2Mbps HSDPA. Il viendra avec un 5 méga pixels avec appareil photo Schneider-Kreuznach lentille certifiée, WiFi, navigateur HTML complet et 7.2Mbps HSDPA.
The phone is expected to launch Q4 2008 in the UK, France, Germany, Spain and the Nether land for around €600 Le téléphone est prévu de lancer Q4 2008 au Royaume-Uni, la France, l'Allemagne, l'Espagne et le Pays de la terre autour de € 600

Here’s our first look at the Sony Ericsson W705, the phone is due to announced later this month. Voici notre premier coup d'oeil sur le Sony Ericsson W705, le téléphone est annoncé en raison de la fin de ce mois. Reports are saying that it will come with a 3.2 megapixel camera, 240 x 320 display screen, built in WiFi and GPS. Rapports disent que ça va venir avec 3,2 mégapixels appareil photo, 240 x 320 écran d'affichage, construit en WiFi et GPS. As we said we expect this to be announced later this month with a release date early 2009. Comme nous l'avons dit nous nous attendons à ce qui sera annoncée plus tard ce mois-ci avec une date de sortie début 2009.

The Blackberry Pearl 8220 has launched in the USA with T-Mobile, this is the first flip phone from RIM. Le BlackBerry Pearl 8220 a lancé aux États-Unis avec T-Mobile, c'est le premier téléphone à rabat de RIM. The phone comes with a 2.0 megapixel camera with digital zoom, stereo Bluetooth support, and an easily accessible external memory card slot. Le téléphone est livré avec un appareil photo 2.0 megapixel avec zoom numérique, stéréo Bluetooth, et un endroit facilement accessible externe emplacement pour carte mémoire.
With built in Wi-Fi the Perl 8220 of course offers RIM’s powerful mobile e-mail solution together with support for text messaging, picture messaging, enhanced Web browsing. Avec en Wi-Fi Perl 8220 de RIM offre des cours de la puissante solution de courrier électronique mobile et avec le soutien de la messagerie texte, messagerie image, le renforcement de la navigation sur le Web.
* First BlackBerry smartphone to offer popular flip design * Le premier smartphone BlackBerry à offrir populaire flip design * Wi-Fi-enabled (802.11 b/g) supporting Wi-Fi calling and fast Web browsing * Wi-Fi activé (802.11 b / g) soutenir Wi-Fi rapide et appelant la navigation sur le Web * Support for Unlimited HotSpot Calling * Support des HotSpot Unlimited Calling * T-Mobile’s myFaves support to stay in touch with those who matter most, with quick, one-click access for instant messaging, e-mailing, texting or calling to your Fave 5 from the Home Screen * T-Mobile myFaves appui de rester en contact avec ceux qui comptent le plus, rapide, en un seul clic, l'accès de la messagerie instantanée, e-mailing, texto ou par téléphone à votre Fave 5 de l'écran d'accueil * SureType keyboard * Clavier SureType * 2.0 megapixel camera with built-in flash LED and video recording (requires microSD card) * Appareil photo 2.0 megapixel avec flash LED et l'enregistrement vidéo (nécessite carte microSD) * media player for pictures, music and video with full-screen video playback * Media Player pour les images, la musique et de la vidéo plein écran, lecture vidéo * Stereo Bluetooth support (A2DP/AVRCP) and 3.5mm stereo headset jack * Stéréo Bluetooth (A2DP/AVRCP) et casque stéréo 3,5 mm jack * Internal QVGA 2.4-inch diagonal screen, 320 x 240 pixels and supporting 65K colors * Interne QVGA de 2,4 pouces de diagonale d'écran, 320 x 240 pixels et le soutien 65K couleurs * 128 MB of flash memory, 256MB microSD card included, and support for up to a 16 GB microSD/SDHC card * 128 Mo de mémoire flash, carte microSD de 256 Mo inclus, et de soutien pour un maximum de 16 GB microSD / SDHC card * Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/Wi-Fi network including support for international roaming * Quad-band GSM / GPRS / EDGE / Wi-Fi y compris le soutien de l'itinérance internationale * Dimensions: 3.9? * Dimensions: 3.9? x 1.96? x 1.96? x 0.68? x 0.68? * Weight: 3.6 oz * Poids: 3.6 oz

This Samsung sliding QWERTY is said to be called the “Propel” but nobody really knows yet. Ce Samsung coulissant QWERTY est dit d'être appelé le "Propel", mais personne ne sait vraiment encore. The phone is set to launch on the AT&T network and come in red, blue and green. Le téléphone est mis à lancer sur le AT & T réseau et sont en rouge, bleu et vert. Not much information is known about this model yet in terms and price. Pas beaucoup d'informations sont connues à propos de ce modèle encore dans des termes et des prix. Some reports are that it might be around $80 on contract in the US. Certains rapports sont qu'il serait peut-être autour de $ 80 sur contrat aux Etats-Unis.

The Philips Xenium X600 mobile phone has been launched, the phone can do 8.5 hours of talk time and up to a month in standby mode on one charge. Le Philips Xenium X600 téléphone mobile a été lancé, le téléphone peut faire 8,5 heures de temps de conversation et jusqu'à un mois en mode veille sur un chef d'accusation. With that type of battery uptime other features have been dropped and your left with a tri-band GSM/GPRS clamshell with external and internal displays, microSD card slot and music player. Avec ce type de batterie le temps de disponibilité d'autres fonctionnalités ont été abandonnées et la gauche avec un tri-bande GSM / GPRS à clapet extérieur et intérieur affiche, emplacement pour carte microSD et lecteur de musique.
The phone is apparently intended for mobile phone customers looking for little more than a handset that they can use for days on end without needing a recharge, literally. Le téléphone est apparemment destinés à la téléphonie mobile pour les clients recherchent un peu plus d'un appareil qu'ils peuvent utiliser pendant des jours sans fin sur le besoin d'une recharge, littéralement

This is the first I;I’ve seen of the Sagem my421z, but if your looking for a low cost mobile phone Sagem do deliver on low cost and really good quality phones. Il s'agit de la première I; j'ai vu de la Sagem my421z, mais si votre recherche d'un faible coût téléphone mobile Sagem faire livrer à faible coût et de très bonne qualité des téléphones.
Brief specifications Sagem my421Z: Bref Sagem my421Z spécifications:
• Support for communications standards: GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz, GPRS class 10 • Support de normes de communication: GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz, GPRS classe 10 • Dimensions: 96×46x13, 7 mm • Dimensions: 96 × 46x13, 7 mm • Weight: 90 gr. • Poids: 90 gr. • Messaging: SMS / EMS / MMS / E-mail / IM • Messaging: SMS / EMS / MMS / E-mail / IM • Camera: 1.3 MP with support for video • Camera: 1.3 MP avec l'appui de la vidéo • Display: 2-inch, TFT, permission 176h220 points • Affichage: 2 pouces, TFT, l'autorisation 176h220 points • Communication: Bluetooth, USB 1.1, SynchML, WAP 2.0 • Communication: Bluetooth, USB 1.1, SynchML, WAP 2.0 • Built-FM-receiver • Haut-FM-récepteur • MP3 Player • Lecteur MP3 • Support for Java applications • Support pour les applications Java